
Hey, I’m Alex.

I’m a photographer, social media manager and yoga teacher based in Melbourne, Australia. I work on a global scale with small business owners to create beautiful and meaningful photography, social media content and creative courses.

I also work with a select number of people on creative brand management and strategy.

I’m passionate about helping busy people find their creative expression and live a life that lights them up.

Check out my online membership, Creative Space to get a taste for yourself!

Current offerings



Photography has always been a massive part of my life. I sell a select number of digital and physical prints as well as the occasional tote bag!

Creativity Space

I believe everyone is creative. It’s my mission to create spaces for creative expression and exploration. Join the collective or work one to one with me.

Social Media

I’ve managed social media accounts for small and large businesses across the UK and Australia for the past 8 years. I love creating unique and meaningful content to build online audience.